Nourishing the body and the soul


Soul Nourishment

Today’s pull is The Fool and somehow I feel this is very appropriate with all the cosmic shifts that are occurring. We have stepped through the portal of the Lunar Eclipse, we have shed and surrendered to the Full Moon and now it is time to forage our new soul filled path.

The Fool invites us to believe in ourselves, our ideas and our imaginations. This card, ruled by air, is playful, light and creative. The Fool invites us to view the world like we are seeing it for the first time, to not see through the eyes of fear or through the eyes of the mind, but through the eyes of imagination and curiosity.

This card reminds us that the only time is now and all we need is within; we just need to take the first step to unleash it. We are born as divine beings manifested by the universe, we and the universe are one and the Fool encourages the exploration of this. The Fool is urging you to see child-like wonder as a strength, as it encourages imagination and builds a strong connection to manifestation. As we begin to understand this, we begin to take our lives back, we begin to author our personal story and consciously co-create with the universe. Take the first step and see where it may lead...

Body Nourishment

The Fool's energy can be harnessed through grapes. Grapes are juicy, sweet, hydrating and promote wellbeing at the highest level. When eating grapes, they lift your spirit and bring joy, much like the exuberance of the Fool. Grapes also encourage you to be present and seize any opportunities that arise. This fruit also grows on a vine with little clusters. Imagine each cluster as a step in your path. Once you take the first step, more will unfold and grow, just like the grapes on a vine.

Frozen Grape Lemonade

This drink is reminiscent of childhood and seems appropriate for the energy of the Fool. Enjoy on a hot summer day, envisioning and embodying The Fool's energy. Grapes also hydrate at a cellular level and help to detoxify the body.

4 cups frozen grapes

1/2 lemon

3 cups coconut water

**if its tart, add honey to taste**

Add ingredients to blender, pulse to combine ingredients, but still keep it icy

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