
Tarot Healing Session

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What to expect: A Tarot Healing Session is an in depth method to connect more deeply with the aspects that make up your life and experiences. Sofie uses Tarot as her tool to connect with each unique client and as a tether to channel more intuitive information regarding her client's questions.

How it works: These sessions offer soul centered guidance through intuitively channeled information coupled with the wisdom drawn from a three card Tarot spread. Sofie gently and compassionately aids her clients to take back their own power to create and fulfill their purpose. She and her clients will deep dive into the information presented and through the use of various modalities such as breathwork, nutrition, movement and crystal healing will help align clients with their highest and best. Each person is left with a toolbox of modalities and mechanisms to empower them to continue to work on their own healing.  

Session length: 30-45 minutes

Where: Skype or FaceTime

Follow up: Sofie will email a descriptive list of herbs, food and exercises recommended through the intuitive guidance received. You will also receive an image of your Tarot card spread and a short recap on the information gleaned.

Price: $95



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What to expect: Need more guidance and inspiration in you life? Feeling like you need a quick check in with yourself? A three card spread is a fast and effective way to get some much needed guidance.

How it works: I will pull three cards and intuitively weave and craft their messages into empowering guidance to help you gain clarity and release any roadblocks. I offer this via skype/facetime or over email with a video recording of the reading.

Session length: 20-30 minutes

Where: Skype/FaceTime OR Email

Price: $65