
Before Friday the 13th was a spooky and superstitious holiday, it was actually known as Goddess Day. Goddess day is a day of luck and a day to celebrate the Divine Feminine.  The number 13 is a sacred number-- it is the Death card in the Tarot, it represents the number of Moon cycles we have in a year, it usually corresponds to the number of menstrual cycles a woman has in a year, and it is associated with the Goddess energy. This number is a potent symbol and reminder of the spiraling birth, death, rebirth cycle. When 13 and Friday come together, it holds an even more potent energy of creativity, abundance, and the divine beauty. Below, I have curated a playlist to harness the Goddess energy to help you feel like the beautiful, sexy, empowered Goddess that you are!



A playlist featuring Drake, Erykah Badu, Beyoncé, and others

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