Scorpio Season Heart Breathing

During the next month of Scorpio Season, you are being invited to drop into your heart and to become vulnerable. Take stock at where you are in your life, in this current cycle. What needs to die so you can transform? What is no longer serving you? What needs to be healed so you can move forward feeling lighter and more empowered? The time is now! As we descend deeper into darkness, from the Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice, we are being urged to mirror that of nature. To shed, release, hunker down and do the work, so in spring we can be reborn and come out renewed.

Exercise for Scorpio Season: Heart Breathing

Since Scorpio is a water sign (relating to the heart center, emotions, receptivity) and the Death Card is tied to the Goddess number 13 of life, death, and rebirth, the exercise for this month is to focus on your heart and your breath.

These two are our life force, they sustain us, ground us and act as a bridge to a higher consciousness.

Heart Breathing is an excellent exercise to help you process and release outdated emotions. It helps you to practice feeling and living in happy emotions and creates a union of our mind and heart. The more you do this exercise, the more you will begin to realize you no longer need to search outside yourself to find happiness, but you will become more familiar with your inner world and fill yourself up. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the source of human wisdom and intelligence, rather than the brain.

Did you know that the heart is one of the first organs to form in a fetus, even before the brain? The heart is also an auto-rhythmic organ that is self-initiated, it does not need the brain to tell it to keep beating. It can even be removed from the body, placed in a saline solution and it will keep beating for a period of time!! The intelligence of this organ is absolutely mind-blowing.

There are more and more studies being conducted around this organ and our ability to heal and manifest when we live in heart coherence (creating a harmonious rhythmic pattern of the heart). When we do heart centered work and focus on building heart coherence, we gain access to high level intuition, it helps to prevent stressful patterns, it increases our mental clarity, creates healthy gene expression and helps to re-pattern our fear-based subconscious emotions. To learn more, visit The Heart Math Institute.

Heart Breathing, How To:

  1. Get seated and begin focusing on your heart center.

  2. Begin taking slow and long inhales and exhales. After a few breaths, start to imagine your breath is flowing in and out from your heart and chest area.

  3. Next, begin to tap into an elevated emotion, such as love, joy, compassion, gratitude, freedom, etc. You can even try to re-experience the love you have for a pet, or a special person in your life or re-experience an accomplishment or happy moment in your life.

  4. Continue to do this for at least 5-10 minutes. The longer we spend focusing on elevated emotions and our heart center, the more we are able to shift our energy and re-pattern our subconscious beliefs.

  5. Imagine your heart opening, or blooming like a rose or lotus. Each time you do a cycle of breath, imagine it growing in size, allowing you to open yourself up to receive.

  6. This is an excellent exercise to also do when you are feeling stressed, angry or irritated. It will help to ground you and get you back to a heart centered place.

sofie lyddon